Abington Quarterly Meeting Fund
The mission of the Abington Quarterly Meeting Fund:
To strengthen Abington Quarterly Meeting and its constituent Monthly Meetings by funding
projects and activities within Quaker principles and beliefs.
Click here to download the AQM Fund Brochure
Types of projects eligible for support from the AQMF:
Addressing Monthly or Quarterly Meeting needs, such as outreach to the community and care of properties;
Supporting programs for members which foster and strengthen spiritual growth and practice, including programs for youth such as JFC and MSFC or young adult gatherings;
Supporting programs which promote Friends’ testimonies, such as a Peace Camp or interfaith experiences;
Supporting special interests of a Monthly Meeting or Quarterly Meeting, such as the school in Afghanistan, Native American issues, or environmental concerns.
Note: The fund is
not available to support individual personal use such as living expenses, scholarships for personal education or salaries.
Application for a grant
The cutoff dates for submitting an application are: April 15th and November 15th of each year.
Provide the AQM Fund committee the following documentation:
Complete the AQMF Grant Application Form, which may be obtained by clicking here or by contacting your AQM representative.
Provide a written description of the proposed project and how the project supports the Mission statement of the Abington Quarterly Meeting Fund
How the money is to be used, including a budget for the intended project.
Provide a Minute of Approval from either a Monthly Meeting within Abington Quarterly Meeting or from Abington Quarterly Meeting .
To contact the AQMF committee click
here to send a email.