Abington Quarter
What is Abington Quarter?
Abington Quarter consists of the 9 Monthly (Quaker) Meetings, that are primarily located in Montgomery County, with the exception of Richland (Bucks Co.) and Byberry (Northeast Philadelphia). Surrounding Quarterly Meetings are Philadelphia Quarter, a Bucks Quarter, a Salem Quarter, a Caln Quarter and others.
Purpose of Quarterly Meeting:
"The Quarterly Meeting is designed to bring together a larger group of Friends for inspiration and counsel and to consider more varied interests than a Monthly or Preparative Meeting can undertake. It is composed of constituent Monthly Meetings, each of which shall appoint representatives to attend it."
"... Its more helpful function should be to aid and encourage its constituent Monthly Meetings to greater interest and service and to give its members an increasing vision of Truth." (Source: Faith and Practice of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting)
Links to Meetings of Abington Quarter and their Locations
Each of these Monthly Meetings has their own distinctive flavor: small or large membership, varying diversity of age groups and ethnic, social, economic backgrounds, and theology. Monthly Meetings are the composite of all its members as they jointly express their faith.
For Information about the Quarter (as a whole, as opposed to about an individual Meeting) -
Abington Quarter
For Information about the Yearly Meeting:
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (PYM)