Abington Quarterly Meeting Fund-
AQMF is looking for member(s) to help process grant applications received from Abington Quarter and its consitutent meetings.
The mission of the Abington Quarterly Meeting Fund:
To strengthen Abington Quarterly Meeting ond its constituent Monthly Meetings by funding projects ond activities within Quoker principles ond beliefs,
Types of projects eligible for support from the AQMF:
Addressing Monthly or Quarterly Meeting needs, such as outreach to the community and care of properties;
Supporting programs for members which foster and strengthen spiritual growth and practice,including programs for youth such as JFC and MSFC or young adult gatherings;
Supporting programs which promote Friends'testimonies, such as a Peace Camp or interfaith experiences;
Supporting special interests of a Monthly Meeting or Quarterly Meeting, such as the school in Afghanistan, Native American issues, or environmental concerns,
Note: The fund is not available to support individual personal use such as living expenses, scholarships
for personal education or salaries.