The Meetings of Abington Quarter
There are 9 Monthly Meetings in Abington Quarter. You are welcome to find one near you and visit.
All Monthly Meetings hold "unprogrammed" Meeting for Worship each "First Day" (Sunday), although times vary. An unprogrammed Meeting for Worship begins in silence, attending to the "small, still voice within." Spoken ministry is offered as those gathered for worship feel so led.
Each Monthly Meeting has its own uniqueness. Worship times vary among Meetings. Some have singing before worship. Some are more Christo-centric than others. Many offer "blended" worship, with distant members and attenders joining via Zoom those who are gathered in the Meeting House . There are various additional gatherings for sharing, either after worship or at other times throughout the week. Several Meetings have schools under their care.
Check the links to the websites of the various Meetings for times, programs and other specifics, and to get a sense of which Meeting will best align with you.
Links to Meetings of Abington Quarter and their Locations
Each of these Monthly Meetings has their own distinctive flavor: small or large membership, varying diversity of age groups and ethnic, social, economic backgrounds and theology. Monthly Meetings are the composite of all its members as they jointly express their faith.